Introduction to Livestock in Bangladesh | 1st Semester | Diploma in Livestock

Introduction to Livestock in Bangladesh | First Semester | Diploma in Livestock: Livestock animals, are kept especially on a farm, for economic benefits. In Bangladesh, these are generally cattle, buffalo, goat,s and sheep. Livestock constitutes an important part of the wealth of a country since, in addition to draft power and leather, it provides manure, meat, and milk to the vast majority of the people. Introduction to Livestock in Bangladesh | 1st Semester | Diploma in Livestock Livestock resources necessarily encompass animal health care and welfare, quality production factors, and effective rearing to keep pace with the expansion of entrepreneurship related to concerned industries. It plays an important role in the agricultural production sphere. Statistics show that about 2.9% of the national GDP is covered by the livestock sector, and its annual rate of growth is 5.5%. Introduction to Livestock in Bangladesh | 1st Semester | Diploma in Livestock

[ Introduction to Livestock in Bangladesh | 1st Semester | Diploma in Livestock ]

About 20% of the population of Bangladesh earns their livelihood through work associated with raising cattle and poultry. Draught power for tilling the land, the use of cow dung as manure and fuel, and animal power for transportation make up a significant portion of the GDP. In addition, hides and skins, bones, offals, feathers, etc, help in earning foreign exchange. Livestock resources also play an important role in the sustenance of landless people. Theory                                                    first Semester  

Unit-1:  Preliminary concept

  1. Evolvements of Livestock
  2. Geographical location and dispersion of livestock in Bangladesh.
  3. Economic importance of livestock.

Unit-2: Livestock in Bangladesh

  1. Present situation of Livestock in Bangladesh.
  2. Different programmes for development of livestock in Bangladesh.
  3. Classification of Livestock

Unit-3: Production of livestock product and byproduct in Bangladesh.

  1. Introducing and production of Milk and Meat.
  2. Introducing and production of Egg.
  3. Introducing and production of hides, skin and wool.

Unit-4: Characteristics of different Livestock Breeds

  1. Terminologies in Livestock
  2. Breeds of Cattle
  3. Breeds of Poultry

Unit-5: Expansion and Possibility of Livestock Industry in Bangladesh

  1. Expansion and Possibility of the milk and meat Industry
  2. Expansion and Possibility of hiding and skin Industry
  3. Introduction to export and import of Livestock products and by-products.

Unit-6: Production and supply of livestock inputs by the Department of Livestock Services.

  1. Semen production & supply.
  2. Fodder production & supply.
  3. Day-old chick production & supply.
  4. Vaccine production & supply.

Unit-7: Introducing to Livestock related Institutions

  1. Department of Livestock Services.
    1. Livestock Research Institute (LRI), Mohakhali, Dhaka.
    2. Officer’s Training Institute (OTI)
    3. Central Disease Investigation Laboratory, 48, Alauddin Road, Dhaka.
    4. Central Cattle Breeding & Dairy Farm, Savar, Dhaka.
    5. Central Poultry Farm, Mirpur, Dhaka
    6. National Zoo, Mirpur, Dhaka
    7. Other establishments of DLS
  2. Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute, Savar, Dhaka.
  3. Different Educational Institutions related to Livestock.
  4. Milk Vita
  5. NGO’


  1. Exercise of field survey in Livestock Statistics.
  2. Preparation and development of a questionnaire for the survey of livestock.
  3. Preparation of chart and graph of quantity and contribution of Livestock.
  4. Preparation of chart and graph of quantity and contribution of Duck and Poultry.
  5. A Field visit of Livestock related Institutions and report writing.
  6. A Field visit of different Livestock related firms and report writing.
  7. A chart preparation of DLS Organogram.
  8. Study of handling livestock and livestock products.
  9. Identification of different types of fodder.


  1. Pranisanpad-O-Unnoyan- Dr. MM Kamal
  2. Poshu khamar O Chikitsha- Imam Hossain
  3. Poshu Plon O Chikitsha- M.A. Samad
  4. Poultry Rearing and Farming- MAH Bhuiyan
  5. Livestock Manual – DLS prokashon
  6. Economic Census of Bangladesh -2015
  7. Department of Livestock Services – Khamarbari, Dhaka.

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