ENGLISH 1 | Diploma in Livestock | 1st Semester | Syllabus
ENGLISH -1 Subject Code :……. | T | P | C |
2 | 0 | 2 |
ENGLISH 1 : Objectives:
After the completion of the course, learners will be able to develop-
- Reading, Listening with understanding
- The fluency of speech
- Grammatical accuracy with emphasis on spelling & punctuation
- Creative writing
CONTENT Comprehension(Seen) :
Unit | Lesson | Title |
People or Institutions Making History (Unit one) | 1 | Nelson Mandela from Apartheid Fighter To President |
2 | The Unforgettable History | |
Food Adulteration(Unit Three) | 1 | Food Adulteration Reaches Height |
2 | Eating Habit and Hazards | |
Human Relationship(Unit Four) | 2 | Love and Friendship |
Environment and Nature (Unit Eight) | 1 | Water ,Water Everywhere |
5 | Kuakata: Daughter Of The Sea | |
Greatest Scientific Achievement (Unit Thirteen) | 1 | Some Of The Greatest Scientific Achievements Of The Last 50 Years |
2 | Livestock Extension Technology (Bangladesh Journal of Animal Science) | |
Pollution and our environment(English for Today, old book) | 1 | The environment and ecosystem |
2 | How the environment is polluted? | |
Tours and Travels (Unit Fifteen) | 1 | Travelling to A village in Bangladesh |
4 | The Wonders of Vilayet |
N.B: The Unit mentioned refers to the Text Book (1st Paper) English for Today for class 11 – 12 by National Curriculum & Text Book Board, Dhaka. Grammar
- (a) Uses of Articles.
(b) Uses of Tense *(Right forms of verbs with indicators) (c) Classify verbs: (Regular and Irregular verbs, Auxiliary, Principal, finite, non-finite verbs,)
- Sentence:
(a) Changing Sentences: (Assertive, Interrogative, Optative, Imperative, Exclamatory Simple, Complex and Compound), Comparison of Adjectives/Adverbs (b) Question making: WH, Yes/No, Tag question
- Enrich vocabulary: syn
onyms, Antonyms; suffix and prefix.
- Voice, Narration and conditional sentences.
- Sentence Analysis :
Study of part of Speech, (Type of verbs-Regular and Irregular verbs , Auxiliary and Principal verb) Study Of Phrases and Clauses ( Noun/ Adjective/ verb/ participle /adverbial/ prepositional phrases and Principal /Sub ordinate //co ordinate clauses ) Free Writing
- Write dialogues: (with teacher, principal, shopkeeper, hotel manager, station master, newcomer, buyers, doctor, friend, colleagues etc).
- Report writing on different events/ occasions/ accidents.
- Writing situational personal and official letters.
- Writing job application with CV /Appointment letter / joining letter
- Write a guided paragraph with questions.
English-2 (Communicative English) Subject Code:……………. | T | P | C |
2 | 0 | 2 |
This course will provide a unique foundation in the basic level for developing listening, speaking, reading and writing skills into some of more specialized and advanced capabilities of basic operation in communication. After the completion of the module, learners will be able to develop-
- Creative writing ability
- transferring information, ideas and knowledge
- Communicative competence effectively in the workplace situation.
1.Comprehension for reading task (Text may be taken from contemporary journals, Editorial of news papers or from online resources) Test items:
- MCQ (guessing meaning from context)
- Rearranging
- Gap-filling (with clues or without clues)
- Answering Questions
- Matching sentences
- Making new sentences using the words\pharases given in the comprehension.
- Summarizing.
. Composition The Following are the topic title introduced for writing task:
- Introduce formal/informal greeting &farewell
- Describe the idea of communication & presentation skills
- Write paragraph on the basis of comparison and contrast
- Narrate process, stories and interpreted charts, graphs.
- Write letters to the print and electronic media
- Prepare a series of questions about personal information, place of interest, foods, hobby and employment opportunity.
- Write dialogue on the following situations
# About exchanging views with a person and introducing one narrating daily activities # Meeting at the train station & asking question about the departure and arrival of the train to the station manager # Meeting at the airport and asking the flight schedule # Getting to the hotel and asking for a reservation # Social Language for telephonic conversation # Talking about the weather, trips & sight seeing # Asking permission and making request. # Talking about office and office manner # Talking about etiquette and manner
- Prepare job application with a complete CV for job suitable for you.
Continuous Assessment: 40 Marks
- Communicate the areas that learners encounter in real life situation.
- Reinforce the basic language skills of listening and speaking.
- Integrate ICT as tools in learning language.
Unit | Lesson | Title |
1. Use of Dictionary | Define dictionary | 1.1 Know how to use a dictionary 1.2 Learn at least 10 words in a day with correct pronunciation (Follow the link : www.marriunm-englishdictionary.com ) |
2. Basic vocabulary practice | Basic words for communication by ODGENS | 2.1 Use 10 most common formulas (structure) to write correct sentence. (Follow the link: www.odgensbasicvocabulary.com www.grammarly.com ) |
3.Listening skill practice | Listen to the audio video presentation on current real life situation | 3.1 Practice audio video conferencing activities. 3.2. Communicate with the English speaking people online (Link: www.speaking24.com ) |
4. Speaking skill practice (self interpretation) | Introduce yourself with the vocabulary prescribed by ODGENS | 4.1 Browse vocabulary related phrases to introduce you. (Link : www.youtube.com/ let me introduce myself) |
5. Listening skill practice | Listen to the weather reports, sports commentary in the English TV channels. | 5.1 Prepare seven days weather report for the place you are staying. 5.2. Make some attractive poster to protect the environment. |
6. Speaking skill practice | Identify formal and informal social language | 6. 1 Practice Conversation emphasizing on greetings & farewell (Link- www.esl.guide@about.com ) 6.2 Take part in Audio video conferencing activities 6.3 Ask questions about personal information, place of interest, food, hobby, employment opportunity with foreign friends using social media. |
7. Writing skill practice | Develop Paragraph | 7.1 Develop paragraph on the basis of comparison, contrast and analysis. Check plagiarism wordiness by the correction software (www.grammarly.com) 7.2. write e-mail, send and reply e-mail |
8. Listening skill practice | Watch short films, documentary and listen to the English music(with lyric) to practice in a group | 8.1 Listen to hard talk, interview 8.2. Prepare a series of questions to interview a celebrity 8.3. Down load documentary from www.youtube.com/education |
9.Presentation | Define presentation | 9.1 Edutain/Entertain yourself preparing a documentary in a group with the activities done during the period of class hours in the lab for Communicative English. |
Evaluation: Students can be evaluated individually or in a group on the basis of performance done in the lab. Furthermore, they may be given online test using authenticated websites like www.britishcoucil.org/education/blog/podcast/news/weather,www.englishteststore.com.www.ieltsexam.com Reference: www.britishcouncil.org,www.marium-websters.com,www.compellingconversation.com, www.esl.guide@about.com, www.bbc.com/news, www.speaking24.com, www.itutor.com, www.ieltsexam.com, www.englishteststore.com, www.ginger.com, www.grammarly.com